född 2 november 1858, död i december 1932, var en svensk idealistisk konstnär.
Krouthen föddes i Linköping och var son till handlaren Conrad Krouthen och Hilda Åberg. Släkten Krouthen kom från Norrköping och flera generationer hade arbetat som tenngjutare. Familjenamnet Krut ändrades genom att varubeteckningen Krut-tenn förfranskades till Krouthen. Conrad Krouthen kom till Linköping 1850 och startade en manufakturaffär vid Stora torget. Affären gick bra och 1857 kunde han gifta sig med sömmerskan Hilda Åberg.
Krouthen kunde växa upp i ett välmående hem och han fick börja skolan på läroverket i Linköping. Vid 14 års ålder slutade han skolan och började arbeta åt fotografen och målaren Svante Leonard Rydholm som hade en atelje vid St. Larsplan. Krouthen fick lära sig grunderna i både målning och fotografering och vid 16 års ålder började han på Konstakademiens principskola i Stockholm 1875. Den treåriga utbildningen innebar att eleverna fick lära sig att rita av klot och profiler, djur och växter. Efter de tre åren fick Krouthen fortsätta vid akademin. I kursen "Lägre antiken" fick eleverna rita av gipsmodeller, i "Högre antiken" teckna efter levande model och i "Landskapsskolan" fick eleverna måla landskap. Under studietiden sökte sig många elever utanför skolan och Krouthen lärde känna konstnären Edvard Perseus. Perseus var kritisk till utbildningen på akademin och tog med sina elever bland annat till Mariefred och Gripsholms slott för att måla av naturen. Related Paintings of johan krouthen :. | trappa i tradgardsforeningen | portratt av hulda jansson | hons pa ladugardsbacken | Sommarlandskap med vandrande barn | sommarsiesta | Related Artists:
Anna Maria Ehrenstrahl1666-1729,as married Wattrang, (1666-1729), was Swedish painter, the first female painter in her country. She was a baroque-artist and painted allegorys, portraits and group portraits in the style of the Baroque. Born as child of the court painter David Klocker Ehrenstrahl and Maria Momma, she was instructed as a student by her father to copy and finish his works and to paint details and other such smaller things to complete the paintings in his studio. She is confirmed as her fathers assistant from ca 1680. Her learning as an artist was therefore not complete, as he never intended her to become an independent artist, just as a form of artistic secretary in his studio, but she was in fact to create paintings herself eventually. In 1688 she married Johan Wattrang, vice president in Svea Hovratt, and painted six portraits of this courts former presidents, which she gave the court signed with her own name (1717). Her way of painting was in the same barocque style as her father; she painted allergorys and portraits of both single people and groups, bot real people and mytholocigal figures in the style of the time. Among them was portraits of king Charles XI of Sweden, Prince Ulrik (in 1685), an allegory over the four seasons (1687) and an allegory of Cupid and Psyche. She painted the four king's under her lifetime, the Princes Gustaf and Fredrik, Ulrika Eleonora of Denmark and Aurora Konigsmarck.
Emile Bernard1868-1941
Emile Bernard Galleries
(b Lille, 28 April 1868; d Paris, 15 April 1941). French painter and writer. He was the son of a cloth merchant. Relations with his parents were never harmonious, and in 1884, against his fathers wishes, he enrolled as a student at the Atelier Cormon in Paris. There he became a close friend of Louis Anquetin and Toulouse-Lautrec. In suburban views of Asnires, where his parents lived, Bernard experimented with Impressionist and then Pointillist colour theory, in direct opposition to his masters academic teaching; an argument with Fernand Cormon led to his expulsion from the studio in 1886. He made a walking tour of Normandy and Brittany that year, drawn to Gothic architecture and the simplicity of the carved Breton calvaries. In Concarneau he struck up a friendship with Claude-Emile Schuffenecker and met Gauguin briefly in Pont-Aven. During the winter Bernard met van Gogh and frequented the shop of the colour merchant Julien-Franois Tanguy, where he gained access to the little-known work of Cezanne.
Antoine-Francois Callet (1741-1823, Paris), generally known as Antoine Callet, was a French painter of portraits and allegorical works, who acted as official portraitist to Louis XVI.
He won the grand prix de Rome in 1764 with Cleobis et Biton conduisent le char de leur mere au temple de Junon (Kleobis and Biton dragging their mother's cart to the temple of Juno). He was accepted by the Academie des beaux arts in 1779, with his entry piece being a portrait of the comte d'Artois, and received with his allegory Le printemps (Spring) in 1781. He exhibited at the Salon from 1783 onwards. He painted the centre of the ceiling of the grande galerie of the palais du Luxembourg, with a composition entitled L'Aurore (Aurora). Under the French Consulate and the First French Empire he painted several more allegories, including an Allegorie du dix-huit brumaire ou la France sauvee (Allegory of 18 Brumaire, or France saved - 1801, château de Versailles) and an Allegorie de la bataille d'Austerlitz (Allegory of the Battle of Austerlitz - 1806, château de Versailles).